The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citiziens, Women and Youth has been supporting the work of the Interministerial Working Group 'Inter- und Transsexualität" (IMAG) on issues related to intersexuality and transgenderism through participatory, public technical ex-changes and research assignments. The expert opinion issued by the German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR) entitled ‘Gender diversity in the legal context: the status quo and development of regulatory models for recognising and protecting gender diversity’ assesses the application of the law in relation to leaving the sex marker field blank as regulated by the Civil Status Act (Section 22 PStG): in case a child cannot be assigned to either the female or the male sex, the civil status shall be registered without such specification in the register of births. In addition, the expert opinion's section on the international legal comparison raises the question whether the Civil Status Act requires the stipulation of a third specified sex. Moreover, regulatory proposals on the protection and recognition of gender diversity are made.