
  • Englisch (88)

Search: 88 results

  • 06.09.2024 Publication YOUR CHILDREN´S RIGHTS

    Eure Kinderrechte - englisch

    The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has translated the Children's Rights Brochure published in 2022 into English. The Brochure was developed together with the National Coalition Germany - Children's Rights Network and the children's and youth broadcaster KiKA. Children and young people were also actively involved in the development. The brochure provides an overview of children's rights in a child-friendly and illustrative way.

  • In June 2023, the Independent Advisory Board on Work-Care Reconciliation (Unabhängiger Beirat für die Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Beruf) presented the second report. With this report, the Board is putting forward a detailed model for reforming caregiver leave and family caregiver leave, and for introduc­ing a tax-funded family caregiver allowance. One of the Advisory Board’s key concerns is to promote a more gender-equitable sharing of long-term care responsibilities, as women are still...

  • The letter of protection against female genital mutilation provides information on the criminal liability of female genital mutilation, including when carried out abroad, and on the possible loss of the residence permit. Above all, it protects against female genital mutilation in the countries of origin during holiday periods and can be carried in the passport. The protection letter can help families face social and family pressure in their countries of origin. The main target group is the...

  • This brochure addresses people who are not indifferent to the topic of suicide and suicide prevention and who would like to read up on this topic, people who are in the midst of a life crisis, relatives and other trusted persons who know suicidal old people close by and persons who work with old people full-time or on a voluntary basis.

  • 19.12.2023 Flyer Live Democracy!

    Promoting democracy. Shaping diversity. Preventing extremism.

    Mit "Demokratie leben!" fördert das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend Projekte in ganz Deutschland, die sich für ein vielfältiges, demokratisches und friedliches Miteinander einsetzen. Die Kernziele der aktuellen Förderperiode (2020 - 2024) lauten: Demokratie fördern, Vielfalt gestalten und Extremismus vorbeugen. Der Flyer stellt das Bundesprogramm und seine Strukturen vor.

  • 16.11.2023 Publication Nicht wegschieben! Don’t push the thought away! - Issue 11

    How you can protect children and adolescents from sexual violence. An overview.

    This booklet addresses the most important questions on the topic of sexual violence against children and adolescents. You will learn how to talk to children about sexual violence, what you can do if you have a concrete suspicion or a hunch, and how young people can be protected from sexual violence and abuse in clubs, institutions, daycare centres, schools or holiday camps.

  • Through the National Action Plan “New Opportunities for Children in Germany”, we are working to guarantee fair opportunities for all children and young people affected by poverty and social exclusion. We are implementing the European Child Guarantee and, together with the federal states, municipalities and civil society, we want to provide disadvantaged children and young people with better access to care, education, health, nutrition and housing by 2030.

  • 11.10.2023 Flyer Pausentaste

    Das Angebot für Kinder und Jugendliche, die sich um pflegebedürftige Familienmitglieder kümmern: - englisch

    Das Projekt „Pausentaste – Wer anderen hilft, braucht manchmal selber Hilfe“ will junge Pflegende bundesweit durch ein niedrigschwelliges Beratungsangebot unterstützen. Das Angebot richtet sich in erster Linie an pflegende Kinder und Jugendliche. Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie unter Der vorliegende Flyer in englischer Sprache gibt einen kurzen Überblick über das Projekt und die Beratungsmöglichkeiten: Website, Telefonberatung und Onlineberatung.

  • 11.10.2023 Flyer Kümmerst du dich um eine nahestehende Person? Informationen zu Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten - englisch

    Informationen in englischer Sprache für Studierende im Rahmen von "Pausentaste"

    „Das Projekt „Pausentaste – Wer anderen hilft, braucht manchmal selber Hilfe“ will junge Pflegende bundesweit durch ein niedrigschwelliges Beratungsangebot unterstützen. Das Angebot richtet sich in erster Linie an pflegende Kinder und Jugendliche.

  • 10.03.2023 Publication Pregnancy Counselling §218

    Information on the Act on Assistance to Avoid and Cope with Conflicts in Pregnancy and Statutory Regulations Pertaining to Section 218 of the German Criminal Code

    Information on the Act on Assistance to Avoid and Cope with Conflict in Pregnancy and Statutory Regulations Pertaining to Section 218 of the German Criminal Code. Date: December 2022