Federal Government Strategy to Prevent Extremism and Promote Democracy

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The Federal Government’s Strategy to Prevent Extremism and Promote Democracy was passed by the German Cabinet on July 13, 2016.

The Federal Government’s Strategy is based on a systematic, strong networking of the various players at federal, regional and local authority level and in civil society and their coordinated cooperation across the board. It consists of going nationwide to the locations that are crucial for the prevention of extremism and the promotion of democracy – into the local authorities and administrative districts, into the institutions, federations and associations, into the schools and also many other places where people are committed to strengthening democracy and defending human rights and freedom. But the Federal Government also wishes to have a stronger presence online. There are to be discussions with young people everywhere, teachers, parents and other reference persons are to be supported, people who wish to drop out are to be helped and hateful and malicious tirades online are to be countered.